Saturday, July 6, 2013

first post y'all!

Hello blog world! I'm so excited to be starting my first blog! I've been a reader for a couple years now and have finally decided to change my lazy ways and share with you the craziness which is my life!
Since this is my first blog post, I thought it would be fun to answer some questions about me!
If you had a billion dollars what would you do with it?
1) First, I would put aside a certain amount that I know would cover tuition for all four years of college. (I'm starting my freshman year this fall!)
2) Help my parents pay off any bills!
3) two words; SHOPPING SPREE!
4)Definitely give to charity.
What helps to pull you out of a bad mood?
Anything funny, whether it's a person, movie, TV show, etc.
What is your bedtime routine?
Take my make-up off, make a mental to-do list for the next day, watch a little bit of TV, read a few pages (or 100) of the book I'm currently reading.
What kind of books do you read?
I've got a HUGE addiction to reading. Like I'm sure it's considered a sickness for all the books I've read just in 2013 alone. I mostly read romance, because who doesn't love a good ending? This girl does for sure!
How do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I will be 28 years old! Hopefully by then, I'll be married with a kid (or at least one on the way), and have a successful job in the marketing field. Living somewhere sunny & warm would be perfect, because I do not like the cold. At all.
What's your fear?
Getting eaten by a shark. Oh, and dying in a horrible crash. (car, plane, etc.)
What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
I lay in bed and think about how much I dread getting up.
What items are in your purse right now?
Ray-Ban sunglasses, Lilly Pulitzer planner, car keys, wallet, pen, Ipad, Iphone.
Name 3 things on your bucket list.
1) Go to X-Games in Los Angeles, California.
2) Visit every state in the US.
3) Learn to cook.
What was the last thing you bought yourself?
A monogrammed baseball hat from Marley Lilly!
I hope you have enjoyed getting to know a little bit about me!